Happy Friday! Take a moment to read the GHS newsletter for the week of September 23, 2024.

Happy Friday! Take a moment to read the Goshen High School newsletter for the week of September 16th, 2024.

Take a moment to read the GHS newsletter for the week of September 9, 2024. Have a wonderful weekend.

Take a moment to read the GHS Newsletter for the week of September 2nd. Have a wonderful weekend.

Take a moment to read the GHS weekly newsletter for the week of August 26th.
Have a great weekend!

Ohio's annual sales tax holiday is now 10 days long, just in time for back-to-school shopping. A provision in Ohio's budget added more tax-free days to this year’s holiday, which now runs Tuesday, July 30 to Thursday, Aug. 8. According to the Ohio Department of Taxation, the sales tax waiver will cover all tangible personal property that is $500 or less, with some exceptions. Read more on our website: https://www.goshenlocalschools.org/article/1687808

Goshen High School's graduation for the class of 2024 will be live streamed on Tuesday, May 28th at 7:00 pm. Feel free to share the following link with friends and family. Congratulations Class of 2024!

Take a moment to read the GHS newsletter for the week of May 27th.
Have a great last week of school!
Mrs. Walker

Class of 2024: Friday, May 24th is the MANDATORY graduation practice at GHS. Practice will begin at 8:00 am. It is imperative that all seniors participating in the ceremony attend the practice. There are NO exceptions . This has been communicated since the 1st week of school.

Tomorrow will be the Class of 2024 Warrior Walk. Students will report at GHS at 8:30 to pick up cap/gown & take the class photo. Warrior Walk begins at 9:30 at M/C, 10:00 at GMS & 10:30 at Spaulding. Parents can report to each building's main office to follow along. Can't wait!

Happy Friday! Take a moment to read the GHS newsletter for the week of May 13th. Have a wonderful and safe weekend. https://secure.smore.com/n/bjhyw

Happy Friday! Take a moment to read the GHS newsletter for the week of May 6th!
Have a wonderful weekend. ~Mrs. Walker

Take a moment to read the GHS Newsletter for the week of April 29th:

Congrats to CC, Trenton, and Lauren on their Positive Office Referrals!

Happy Friday. Take a moment to read the GHS newsletter for the week of April 22, 2024. Have a wonderful weekend. ~Mrs. Walker

NDP is our MVP!! Great Job on your Positive Office Referral Noah!

Ascend Positive Office Referral for Emma! Great job!

Take a moment to read the GHS Newsletter for the week of April 15th.
Have a wonderful, and safe, weekend!
~Mrs. Walker

Congrats to Allyson on her Positive Office Referral! Great to have you in Ascend!!

Hello, GHS!
Hope that you are having a WONDERFUL spring break.
See everyone on Tuesday!
Miss you all,
Mrs. Walker